Top Ten Countries With Most Computers in the World



In this advanced and technological world, no one can deny the importance of computer and no doubt there is no person who has not heard the name of Computer even a single time in his life. Simply it can be said that it is the best companion of human being. It has made human life easiest due to its flexible features. It has become extra significant invention of this world because today it is helping in almost every field of life such as education, medical, weather forecasting companies, security systems and in numerous other fields.

Due to its huge amount of uses and benefits, about all the countries of the world are using computer to make life easier, but what countries have the highest amount of computer users and what countries have most computers in the world these are two interesting questions. Following is a list of top ten countries that are reported to have the highest number of computers than all other countries around the world. Although it is hard enough to say that the given values are quite accurate because any statistic report is always based on approximate results but still the following table contains more reliable figures than many other popular and famous websites.


 List of Top 10 Countries With Most Computers in the World 2014

Rank Country PC’s In Use
Share In World’s
Entire PC’s
1. United States flag  United States 310.6 19.4%
2. china flag  China 195.1 12.2%
3. japan flag  Japan 98.1 6.12%
4. Germany flag  Germany 71.5 4.47%
5. india  India 57.0 3.56%
6. United Kingdom  United Kingdom 54.5 3.41%
7. Russia Flag-Russian Federation  Russia 53.5 3.34%
8. France flag  France 53.5 3.34%
9. Brazil flag  Brazil 48.1 3.01%
10. Italy flag  Italy 44.7 2.79%


Source : Computer Industry Almanac Inc.

Q : Do you know what country has Most Computers in the world?

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded”]Ans : At present United States has highest number of computers than all other countries around the globe. It has more than 310.6 million computers which are about 19.4% of world’s entire computers.[/box]

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