Top 5 Best Countries to Live in the World

Top 10 Best Countries to Live in the world

Top 10 Best Countries to Live in the world

In this world, no two countries are the same because one country is famous for its breath taking views while the other country is known for its people. Sometimes a particular cuisine is a subject of pride for some nations and a mere location is making some countries unique some times. Every country in  has some different things to offer which you wouldn’t find elsewhere. The Economic co-operation development organization has revealed the best countries to live in the world and prepared a list of top ten best countries to live in the world.

List of  the Five Best Countries to Live in the World

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1. Australia

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If you are talking about the best countries to live in the world, Australia comes to the top. It is officially recognized as the Commonwealth of Australia which comprises the major area of Australian continent with the total area of 7,692,024 sq km. It is famous enough for its highest literacy rates, maternity allowances, sickness and old-age pensions for its inhabitants. Furthermore it is full of natural resources therefore it is the second largest gold producing country in the world.  It is one of the most developed countries in the world. More than 23,322,684 inhabitants are living in Australia with a good quality of with the per capita $ 43,042 it is considered one of the richest countries in the world. It is a beautiful country for tourism having a lot of attractions for the tourists coming from the different parts of the world. It is given the third rank in the list of countries that are earning most from tourism.

2. Denmark

Denmark the best places to visit and live in the world

Denmark is an European country and it is officially recognized as Kingdom of Denmark. It is located at the South-west of Sweden and bordered by Germany. Although it is a small country yet it has so much to offer. It is covering the total area of 42,915.7 sq km.  Its population up till Jan 2013 was calculated 5,602,536, its people are much loving and caring.One more interesting thing about this country which is more impressive Denmark was the first country in the world to bring the environmental law. Here education is almost free and after being 18 years old, a student can apply for the educational scholarships . Here is one of the most popular and best healthcare system operated by the taxes not by the social contributions. All these things are making it the best country to live in the world.

3. Netherlands

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Netherlands is also a European country and it is officially recognized as the Kingdom of the Netherlands consisting of 12 provinces, it is covering the total area of 41,543 sq km. Having more than 16,819,595 inhabitants it is the tenth most populated country in the Europe continent. Like other countries of the world, it has not only a single capital, but it has two capitals named The Hague and Amsterdam. From 4 to 16 years the education is compulsory. The country name means the Low Country because half of its surface is a little less than one meter below the sea level. Netherlands is a good example of strongest economies in the world.

4. Sweden

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Sweden is officially recognized as the Kingdom of Sweden located in northern Europe. It is reported to be one of the countries with highest life expectancy rates in the world. It is famous for its iron and timber exports. It is the third largest European country. Stockholm is the capital and largest city of this nation. It is covering the total area of 44,99,64 sq km. Its population according to 2012 census 9,555,893.Its temperature is famous as the temperate climate. The trade unions are given much importance that enforce the rights of their employees.

5. Norway

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Norway is officially recognized as the Kingdom of Norway, Oslo is the capital and the largest city of this nation. It is a small country covering the total area of 385,178 square kilometers and 5.2% water. It is one of the happiest countries to live in the world. Its population is 5096300. Having the per capita GDP of $55,398, Norway is given the 4th rank in the list of richest countries in the world. Due to highest literacy rates, good healthcare system, and many other facilities it is reported to be the fifth best country to live in the world.


Question of the Day

What is the Best country to Live in the World?

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded”]At present Australia is the best country to live in the world having the different reasons making it the best place to live in the world.[/box]

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