Country Without State Religion


Globally, 25 countries have no state religion, including the United States, Canada, China, South Africa, New Zealand, Singapore, Romania, Colombia, and East Timor. A secular state is one where the government is neutral in matters of religion. These countries do not discriminate against citizens on the basis of religion and therefore promote equality. In contrast, the state religion is one where the government officially recognizes a particular religion. In such a case, other religions may feel discriminated against.

Countries without state religion

New Zealand

Since most people in New Zealand are Christians, there is no state religion according to the constitution. This is attributed to the “Treaty of Waitangi” signed in 1840. The dominant religions in the country are Christianity and Hinduism. However, there is also a large group of around 42% who do not subscribe to any religion. Freedom of religion is appreciated by all New Zealanders. Even among Christians, there are several denominations among which Catholics, Anglicans and Presbyterians.


In Singapore, residents are guaranteed freedom of religion and guaranteed to have that freedom by the constitution. However, the Singapore government insists that no religion misuses this freedom to cause division. It is on this basis that it limits the operations of certain religions. In the past, we know that the government deregistered “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and “Unification Church”. Although “Jehovah’s Witnesses” are currently allowed to exercise their freedom of worship, their activities are limited. Singapore encourages the religion that unifies its citizens rather than dividing them.


The Romanian Constitution which was made law in 1991 allows Romanians freedom of religion. In fact, it is illegal to ask a person to indicate their religious affiliation in Romania. However, 91% of Romanians are Christians, most of whom are members of the Romanian Orthodox Church. There are many other Christian denominations such as Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, Unitarians and Pentecostals, among others. The other religions in Romania are Islam (0.3%), Judaism (0.02%) and the Old Believers (0.16%). Romania is a secular state because it recognizes the equality of all religions.

South Africa

South Africans are guaranteed freedom of religion by their Constitution. Therefore, the country is a secular state. Despite this, the country is dominated by the Christian religion which is professed by about 80% of the population in South Africa. The Christian religion was transmitted to South Africans by the Dutch and the British who colonized the country. The nation still recognizes the traditional African religion, but only a few citizens practice it.

What is the secular or state religion?

A state religion means that the religion recognized by the state influences its governance. This goes so far as to allow only those who are affiliated with the declared religion to be elected and to be appointed leaders in the country. This practice leads to discrimination against other citizens who may have the same qualifications, except for their religion. Thus, a secular state offers equal opportunities for leadership and grants freedom of religion. A secular state is preferred to the state religion.

Countries without state religion

RankCountries without state religion
5People’s Republic of China
7Czech republic
8East Timor
10Republic of India
11Republic of Ireland
15New Zealand
19Republic of China
22South Africa
23South Korea
25Republic of Turkey
26United States


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