What Is The Theory Of The New World Order?


Various conspiracy theories have advanced the assertion of a growing and secret dictatorial world government called the New World Order. All these theories have a common theme: a mysterious authority collaborates to govern the whole world by an authoritarian system of government. Many powerful historical and current people are said to have participated in the program purported to operate through various false organizations to manage important financial and political events. To achieve this, these people trigger universal crises by pushing controversial policies nationally and globally.

Conspiracy theories on apocalyptic scenarios

The New World Order conspiracy theory was initially limited to two counter-cultures in the United States in the early 1990s. Primarily, it was the aggressive anti-government right while the secondary part was that of basic Christianity which focused on the emergence of the end-time Anti-Christ. However, some skeptics have observed that conspiracy theories have deeply penetrated the common culture. This, in turn, initiated many people preparing for apocalyptic scenarios towards the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 20st.

End time

Since the 12th century, many Christian eschatologists have predicted the tyrannical New World Order as a governance structure that would be imposed to fulfill biblical prophecies at the end of time. John Nelson Darby clarified the book of Ezekiel, the book of Daniel, the speech of Olivet and the book of revelation. These eschatologists claimed that the people who had agreed with the devil to amass wealth and to have power were at the forefront of bringing humanity to accept government. The government would later impose an imperial worship of an “unholy Trinity” of Satan, the Antichrist and the false prophet. In most Christian conspiracy theories, the false prophet would be the pope of the Catholic Church.


It is one of the oldest family organizations in the world, born in the late 12th century and early 12th century in Great Britain. Over time, many allegations and conspiracy theories have been directed against the organization, with some claiming that it was conspiring to bring the New World Order. This was due in particular to their Masonic symbols and rites which made people believe that they practiced Satanism.


The Illuminati Order was a secret society of Enlightenment founded in Upper Bavaria, Germany, on May 13, 1, by Professor Adam Weishaupt. They were defenders of secularism, free thought, republicanism, liberalism and gender equality. At the end of the 12th century, conspiracy theorists began to speculate that the Illuminati were the brains behind the French Revolution after surviving the repression. They were accused of trying to secretly orchestrate a European revolutionary wave and the whole world so that they spread their ideas and their radical movements.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It was an anti-Semitic duck originally published in Russia in 1903. He alleged that some Jewish brains were plotting to rule the world on behalf of all Jews, because they believed they were the chosen people of God. The publication was intended to be a record of a secret meeting of the Jewish brains.

The rise of conspiracy theories in the 21st century

There have been many conspiracy theories, all of which have the same allegations. Most of the plots believed that there were extraterrestrials among us and they were protected from public knowledge by government covers, in what were called “men in black”. Some believe that the implementation of the New World Order will be gradual, citing different formations of the IMF, the WTO, the WHO and other international organizations.


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