What is Mars made of?


Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. It is the most studied planet after Earth due to speculation that there may be water below the surface and its similarities to Earth. Mars is also known as the “red planet” because its surface is reddish in color. The surface consists of red rocks and a thick layer of oxidized iron dust.

Dusty March Crust

Mars is covered with dust because it lacks vegetation and water on the surface. The soil on the surface is composed of potassium, magnesium, sodium and chloride. The thickness of the crust is six to thirteen miles. There are no tectonic plates on Mar. The surface presents enormous volcanoes formed by successive eruptions millions of years ago.

Coat And Heart Of Mars

Evidence suggests that Mars is a dormant planet that has not erupted in millions of years. The planet’s mantle is dormant, unlike the Earth’s mantle which is constantly reforming. The mantle of Mars is made up of iron, magnesium, oxygen and silicon. Unlike the solid Earth’s mantle, Mars’ mantle is made up of soft rocks. The coat is between 770 and 1.170 thick. Mars has a solid core that has a diameter between 930 and 1,300. The nucleus is dormant and therefore has no magnetic field protecting the planet from space radiation. Instead, Mars produces sporadic field lines that have been dubbed “Christmas lights” because they are of no benefit to the planet.

Atmosphere And Water Of Mars

Liquid water cannot exist for long in March because it is too cold and the surface is bare. However, the physical characteristics of the surface suggest that at some point, water flowed to the surface. Water exists on the planet in the form of ice in the ground and patches of ice under the polar regions. The atmosphere is too thin to support life and also consists of 95% carbon dioxide. Mars experiences frequent giant dust devils that regularly push dust into the atmosphere. In some cases, dust storms completely or partially cover the planet. It frequently snows on the red planet, but snowflakes are made up of carbon dioxide. Snowflakes from the North Pole are larger and more frequent than those from the South Pole.

Life on Mars

Mars cannot support life as it exists on Earth. However, researchers find evidence to suggest that the planet could have been habitable in the past. The Curiosity Rover discovered elements crucial to the development of life and the presence of water led to think that life could polar regions.


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