Top 10 tea-loving countries in the world


The world seems to have separated the people who love coffee from those who love tea. In fact, there are more tea drinkers in the world than coffee. In fact, tea is the second most popular drink after water. So where was this herbal plant born? Many researchers believe that the tea comes from China, where it was used as a medicinal drink in the 3rd Century AD. Almost 1,300 years later, the plant was introduced to Portuguese merchants and has been marketed and sold for a thousand years in most of the world. Tea has reached every corner of the world and today people drink it in every form imaginable. The main tea producers today are Argentina, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Kenya, India and China. Based on per capita tea consumption in 2014, we have listed below the main tea-loving countries in the world.

Top ten tea consuming countries

10. Kazakhstan

Kazakhs place special importance on tea and drinking tea with guests has been a long-standing traditional custom. This drink is so ingrained in Kazakhstan culture that people drink it six to seven times a day! Consumption levels are high, almost 3.4 pounds per person per year, as people enjoy tea with breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a rule, the preparation is consumed with milk, lemon and sugar.

9. Qatar

Visiting a house in Qatar means that the hosts will offer tea as part of local custom. The Qataris prepare tea in a unique way. Here the tea leaves are boiled to produce a stronger flavor and the drink served with milk. It’s called Karak . In Qatar, residents consume 3.53 tea books per year! Throughout the country, there are many tea bars that serve as a meeting place and socialization for locals.

8. Kuwait

Number 8 is Kuwait. With such proximity to Qatar, it is not surprising that these two countries share similar customs and traditions. The 3.55 pounds consumed annually in Kuwait are usually prepared in black and the hosts serve a side of the nuts or candy. Never refuse a cup of tea, as it is an insult to the Kuwaitis.

7. United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) reports an increase in tea consumption. Its inhabitants declare drinking 4.17 pounds of tea a year! This is another country where tea is so much part of the culture that it would be rude to refuse a cup. In the UAE, the experience of tea consumption is evolving towards experience and brand image. The country has seen an increase in high-end tea rooms, which is expected to affect tea consumption in the coming years.

6. Seychelles

Seychelles is perhaps one of the most obscure countries on the list. This is an island nation off the southeast coast of Africa and comes at number 6 on the list. Here, residents consume 4.59 pounds of tea per year, which is not so surprising given that they grow and harvest large quantities of tea. The most common flavors in Seychelles are vanilla, lemongrass and Island tea.

5. United Kingdom

In the center of the list at number 5 is the United Kingdom. This country is well known for its preference for tea and has made the famous “tea time” popular all over the world. Locals in the UK drink just over 6 pounds of tea each year. Tea consumption in the United Kingdom has a long history that began in the 12th century when traders presented the drink as exclusive to the upper class. Breakfast and afternoon tea are served with milk, sugar and sometimes lemon.

4. Mauritania

The fourth largest consumer of tea is Mauritania, a nation in West Africa. Culture here dictates serving tea as a ceremonial event. People serve three different cups of tea at once, starting with the bitter and gradually becoming sweeter. This country is first on the list with a preference for green tea. The consumption rate is 7.1 pounds per person per year.

3. Ireland

Ireland, known as the Emerald Isle, lies in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, to the north of the island. Residents here need a cup of hot, steaming tea just to get through the gray and misty winters. The consumption rate here is the same as that of Mauritania (7.1 pounds annually), although the drink of choice is black tea. This amount is equivalent to around 4 per day.

2. Morocco

With the second largest consumption of tea in the world, the list returns to Africa. In Morocco, the locals have many techniques for preparing tea and seem to prefer green and mint teas. Maghreb style tea is very popular and includes both mint and tobacco leaves in the water. The hosts and waiters pour the tea high to create a foam on top of the cup. With such an entertaining practice to encourage tea consumption, it is not surprising that people here drink 9.6 pounds a year!

1. turkey

Number 1 on the list is Turkey and the consumption rate is not increasing slightly as in other countries. In this nation, people drink an average of 16.6 pounds of tea per year! How is it possible? Recently introduced in the 20th Century, tea in Turkey has become the most popular hot drink. This surge in popularity is due to the fact that tea was imported while the costs of coffee began to rise, making tea a cheaper alternative. People serve tea in beautiful glass cups so that the color shines through.

Health benefits

As can be seen from the above list, tea is an important part of many different cultures. Considering the health benefits associated with drinking tea, its highly valued status is very positive. The evidence suggests many positive effects from drinking tea, and it seems that ancient Chinese beliefs about tea as a medicinal drink are true. Tea leaves contain healthy antioxidants and contain substances that reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. In addition, drinking tea can help reduce joint inflammation caused by the presence of polyphenols. Tea helps lower cholesterol, promotes weight loss and improves alertness.

The most loving nations in the world

RankCountryAnnual tea consumption per capita (kg), 2014
5United Kingdom2.74
7United Arab Emirates1.89


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