The most corrupt countries in the world

Corruption Stats


Corruption is the illegal diversion of public funds and resources for personal or improper purposes. This includes obtaining unfair employment, supply and other benefits. Depending on the sector in which corruption takes place and the amount of money lost, it can be classified as large, political and small. Each year, Transparency International publishes the Global Corruption Perception Index (CPI) which ranks countries from the least corrupt to the most corrupt. The index is based on several surveys and evaluations of institutionalized corruption collected by renowned institutions. In many countries found to be corrupt, some people may not know whether they are committing acts of corruption or not. Keep reading the most corrupt countries in the world

Corrupt countries stats 2020


CPI collects opinions from independent professionals and observers in a country. The opinions of citizens and non-citizens are collected. The CPI data are based on perception as there is no comprehensive way to access corruption using empirical data. Although the acts of corruption are concealed, they sometimes manifest themselves in scandals, investigations or leads allowing independent institutions to assess the public sector according to the most reliable methodology. Countries are only ranked if they are included in at least three CPI data sources. Countries are sometimes not included in the CPI due to insufficient information. 

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Africa has produced 18 of the most corrupt countries in the world, followed by Asia and South America. Somalia is ranked as the most corrupt country on the planet with a score of 30 followed closely by the most recent state in the world, South Sudan, with a score of 10.

Besides corruption, the most corrupt countries in They have other similarities such as insecurity and dictatorial regimes which suppress freedoms. The majority of the most corrupt countries are still developing countries. The data show a link between corruption and wealth inequality and the distribution of electricity. Public institutions such as the judiciary and security services are tainted with corruption to the extent that citizens do not trust them and would prefer not to seek help from such institutions. 

Countries like Kenya have put in place appropriate laws to fight corruption, but enforcement has always been difficult. The elites of these countries plunder resources and invest in foreign companies using foreign banks. In developing countries, most of the ruling classes are much richer than their counterparts. Due to the inability of law enforcement to fight corruption, governments often abuse public resources for personal gain and wealth in many of these corrupt countries. 

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Help from such institutions. Countries like Kenya have put in place appropriate laws to fight corruption, but enforcement has always been difficult. The elites of these countries plunder resources and invest in foreign companies using foreign banks. In developing countries, most of the ruling classes are much richer than their counterparts.

Due to the inability of law enforcement to fight corruption, governments often abuse public resources for personal gain and wealth in many of these corrupt countries. help from such institutions. Countries like Kenya have put in place appropriate laws to fight corruption, but enforcement has always been difficult. The elites of these countries plunder resources and invest in foreign companies using foreign banks. 

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In developing countries, most of the ruling classes are much richer than their counterparts. Due to the inability of law enforcement to fight corruption, governments often abuse public resources for personal gain and wealth in many of these corrupt countries. The elites of these countries plunder resources and invest in foreign companies using foreign banks.

 In developing countries, most of the ruling classes are much richer than their counterparts. Due to the inability of law enforcement to fight corruption, governments often abuse public resources for personal gain and wealth in many of these corrupt countries. The elites of these countries plunder resources and invest in foreign companies using foreign banks. In developing countries, most of the ruling classes are much richer than their counterparts. Due to the inability of law enforcement to fight corruption, governments often abuse public resources for personal gain and wealth in many of these corrupt countries.


Corruption has led to economic upheaval, poverty and, in some cases, conflict. The thirty most corrupt countries on the planet lack solid state institutions, commitment, policies and police. Corruption was perpetuated by the ruling elite and by the holders of the state monopoly. The situation is dangerous and has led citizens to turn to populist politicians, who, in turn, promise to tackle corruption but only aim to take part in corruption once elected.

List of most corrupt countries in the world

RankName of the countryIndex score (/ 100)
2South sudan11
3North Korea12
14Republic of Congo20
17Central african republic20
20Democratic Republic of Congo21
RankName of the CountryIndex Score

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