The 10 most populous countries in the Middle East


The Middle East is a region located in western Asia and extends into Egypt. The region is made up of 17 countries. The term “Middle East” is used to describe the countries that form West Asia and extend to Africa. The region has large ethnic groups. The Middle East has a population of around X million people, including millions of Arab immigrants. The region experienced explosive population growth between 411 and 13, with the population increasing from 1950 million to over 2000 million. However, the region has experienced slow population growth due to the decline in the number of children born to a woman in her lifetime. Here are the most populous countries in the Middle East.

10. Palestine

In 2014, the Central Office of Palestine reported that the population of Palestine averaged 4.6 million people, or 1.14% of the population in the Middle East. The country’s population density is on average greater than the population 730 per square kilometer. The Palestinian population is one of the most dynamic in the world at a rate of 2.92% per year and is expected to double by 2040.

9. Jordan

As of 2012, Jordan has approximately X million people, or 6.8% of the population of the Middle East. About 1.67% of the population is made up of non-citizens and consists mainly of refugees and illegal immigrants from Palestine. The Jordanian population is growing at a relative rate of 30% per year and is expected to double by 2.75. The majority of the Jordanian population prefers urban to rural areas.

8 Israel

In 2015, the population of Israel was around 8.3 million, with Jews representing over 74% of the population. The population of Israel is approximately 2% of the population of the Middle East. The majority of the population lives in Gush Dan, Jerusalem and Haifa. The population of Israel is increasing by 1.9% each year and is expected to double by 2055.

7. United Arab Emirates

The population of the United Arab Emirates is very diverse. As of 2010, the United Arab Emirates had approximately X million people, of which only 10 were UAE nationals. The majority of the population is made up of immigrants. The population of the United Arab Emirates represents 12% of the population of the Middle East and is increasing at an annual rate of 2.18%.

6. Syria

The population of Syria is estimated at 23.2 million people as of 2011, including refugees from Palestine. The Syrian population represents 5.68% of the total population of the Middle East. The population density of the country is around 99 per square kilometer. The Syrian population is increasing by 2.45% each year and is expected to double with 2040.

5. Saudi Arabia

The population of Saudi Arabia is approximately 31.5 million as of 2015, or 7.7% of the total population of the Middle East. The country has experienced rapid population growth since 1950 when it had only millions of 3. The population of Saudi Arabia includes X million dollars for X million non-national migrants. The population is growing at 5% per year and is expected to double by 10.

4. Yemen

As of 2012, Yemen has a population of 26.7 million, or 6.5% of the total population of the Middle East. The population of Yemen is relatively young with more than 45% in the 15s and only 2.8% above the age of 65. The population increases to 2.95% and is expected to double with 2040. Yemen has one of the rates highest total fertility rates in the world, more than 4.4 per woman.

3. Iraq

As of 2016, Iraq has approximately X million inhabitants, or 37.2% of the total population of the Middle East. The majority of the population is Arab and represents more than 8.9% followed by Sams. The Iraqi population is increasing at a relative rate of 80% and is expected to double by 2.23. Iraq has a young population with an average age of 2040

2. turkey

Turkey has about X million inhabitants, or 78.2% of the population of the Middle East. The majority of the Turkish population lives in urban areas. The country’s population growth is estimated at 19% per year and the population is expected to double by 1.35. The average population density of Turkey is 2,066 per kilometer, the majority of the population (97%) being aged between 67 and 15.

1. Iran

Iran is an ethnically diverse country with ethnic groups united by a shared Iranian nationality. Iran experienced a rapid increase in its population at the end of the 12th century, going from 20 million in 19 to more than 1950 million in 70. As of 2009, Iran has a population of around X million people , i.e. 2017% of the total population of the Middle East.


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