Friday, February 21, 2025
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Top 10 Countries with Highest Infant Mortality Rates


Infant mortality rate by counntry-top 10 countries with highest infant mortality rates


World is full of happiness as well as sorrows people are trapped into many diseases which are the major cause of sudden deaths in the country which is termed as infant mortality. Infant mortality is the death of a child having the age less than 1 year due to the several reasons which has become the major problem around the globe. According to a recent survey more than 10 million children die within the age of 5 years. Diarrhea is one of the major causes for these early deaths. So countries are trying to prevent this problem and are … CONTINUE READING

Top 5 Countries With Lowest Life Expectancy Rates In the World


Top 5 Countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world-life expectancy rates by country,which country has the lowest life expectancy rates


Above given image is showing some medical  time limits and intelligent people like you have already understood the meaning of this image which is indicating the estimated time of the people’s life which is known as life expectancy.It is a specific estimated living time estimated by taking several assumptions such as consistency in mortality rates, good or bad healthcare systems of the countries and many other factors are involved while making a report about life expectation rates. Different nations have diverse rates some nations have highest while on the other hand some nations have the least expected years of … CONTINUE READING

Top 10 Banana Producing Countries in the World


Bananas production by country,Top 10 Banana Producing Countries in the World | Which Country Produces the Most Bananas in the World,highest banana producing country, TOp 10 Highest Banana Producing Countries in the World


Bananas are considered the most edible fruit because it is widely appreciated fruit due to its vitamins and other minerals having the average weight of 125 grams. It’s one interesting quality, It is not much effected by transportation from one place to the another place if they are picked up green and you are going to bring them to the fruits market it would change its color during its transportation and its taste would be also better after it got the yellow color. But the main question which arises here is its production and the countries where it is … CONTINUE READING