Home Countries Countries with the highest rates of lung cancer in men

Countries with the highest rates of lung cancer in men


Lung cancer is defined by the rapid virulent growth of cells in an individual’s lungs. This condition is further aggravated if left untreated. The metastasis could then spread by spreading the growth of the cancer into neighboring tissues until it reaches an incurable stage. The main cause or cause of this disease is long-term smoking. Environmental factors such as exposure to asbestos, radon gas, air pollution and secondhand smoke also trigger the disease. Genetic factors may also play a role in an individual’s susceptibility to the disease. Treatment options depend on the type and level of cancer.

Countries with the highest cancer rates

The prevalence of lung cancer in men in some countries has been attributed to many factors such as smoking, the environment and genetics. Three types of cancer are identified with these factors: carcinoid lung tumor, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. The prognosis for treatment depends on the correct identification of the type of cancer. Current treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Recovery depends on the health of the individual and the tolerance to side effects of the treatment method used.

Smoking is estimated to be responsible for 85% of all types of lung cancer and is the highest among Hungarian men in Hungary at around 76.6% at age-standardized rate per 100,000 (world). It also has the highest consumption of cigarettes per capita in the world. Armenia has the second highest rate of lung cancer in men in the world at 72.9%. Armenian men also smoke cigarettes at a higher rate. FYR Macedonia is third with 71.3% of its men diagnosed with lung cancer. He also has a high consumption of tobacco. Serbia is fourth with around 70.3% of people with lung cancer among its male population. Half of its male population smokes cigarettes. Turkey is fifth with around 63. 9% of its male population diagnosed with lung cancer. As of 2016, his social security agency refused to pay for treatments for lung cancer. Montenegro is sixth with approximately 62.4% of its men in its population diagnosed with lung cancer. Statistics also show that these countries rank first for lung cancer in men: Poland (60.5%), Kazakhstan (59.2%), Romania (58.8%) and Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (58.5%).

Lung cancer symptoms and statistics

Some studies have shown a ban on smoking and a proper diet to reduce the risk of lung cancer, although no direct correlation has been proven. The American Cancer Society recently released its cancer facts for 2016. It shows that newly diagnosed cancers have reached a total of 1,685,210 cases in the United States alone, with cancer deaths reaching approximately 595,690 people.

People with lung cancer have difficulty managing their daily routine because of the symptoms that accompany their condition. Wheezing, coughing, frequent mucus and shortness of breath make their lives difficult. Treatment options, such as chemotherapy, cause intolerable side effects that are well known to many knowledgeable people. Continued medical and hospital costs also add to the patient’s next of kin or family. Quitting smoking completely is the only way to prevent lung cancer today. The diagnosis of lung cancer always comes too late because the disease is only detected in its later stages.

Countries with the highest rates of lung cancer in men

RankCountryAge-standardized rate per 100,000 (world)
3FYR of Macedonia71.3
10Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of58.5



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