The Countries that start with letter A

countries start with letter A

There are 11 countries whose names begin with A. A is the most popular letter for country names. It is interesting to note that all countries that start with letter A also end in A, with the exception of Azerbaijan.

How many Countries Start with letter A?

Answer: There are 11 number of countries that start with letter A.

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Countries begin with A letter

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Andorra
  • angola
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan

Which countries start with letter A?


Afghanistan is a country in South Asia inhabited by 34,656,032 people as of 2016. It is the largest country in the world with a total area of ​​40 miles. The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul. The word “Afghanistan” comes from the term “Afghan” which was born in the 12th century. The suffix of “-stan” is commonly used in countries because it is Persian for “place”. Afghanistan is sometimes written as Afghanestan.


Albania is a country in south-eastern Europe located in the Balkan region. The capital of the Republic of Albania is Tirana. The country occupies an area of ​​11,100 square miles. The name Albania comes from the Latin language and was used to describe the Albanian people. In Albanian, Albania is called Shqipëria.


Algeria is the largest country in Africa with a total area of ​​919,595 square miles. It is also the tenth largest country in the world. Its capital is Algiers and, as of 2016, the country’s population estimate was 40.4 million. In the Berber language, Algeria is called Dzayer . In French, it is Algeria . The country of Algeria owes its name to the city of Algiers, which comes from the Arabic word for “islands”.


The principality of Andorra is located between France and Spain. The nation’s capital is Andorra de la Vella. It has a total area of ​​180.55 square miles and, as of 2009, its population has been estimated at 84,082. It is not known exactly where the name Andorra comes from.


The capital of the Republic of Angola is Luanda. The nation is located in the southern region of Africa. It has an area of ​​481,400 square miles, making it the largest country in the world. Angola has approximately X million people. In the Umbundu, Kimbundu and Kikongo languages, Angola is called Ngola. the name Angola itself comes from the Kimbundu language, as it is derived from the name Kimbundu for king.

Antigua and Barbuda

The island of Antigua and Barbuda is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Its capital, St. John, is the largest port and the largest city on the island of Antigua. The country covers a total area of ​​170, and it is estimated that it is inhabited by approximately 81,799. Its official language is English. The island of Antigua owes its name to a church located in Spain. The name Barbuda comes from an indigenous word meaning “island of herons”.


The Argentine Republic is the second largest country in South America with square kilometers of area. Its capital is Buenos Aires. According to a census carried out in the country at 1,073,500, Argentina has a population of around 2014. The name Argentina is derived from the Latin word for money.


The Republic of Armenia is located on the highlands of Armenia in the western part of Asia. The capital of Armenia is Yerevan. It is also the largest city in the country. Armenia occupies square kilometers in area and has approximately 11,484. In Armenian, Armenia is called Hayastan . The origins of the name are unknown.


The Commonwealth of Australia is located in the southern hemisphere of the globe. Continental Australia is a continent in its own right. With its constituent islands, the nation covers an area of ​​2,969,907 square miles. Canberra is the capital of the country while Sydney is its largest city. The population estimate of Australia as of 2018 is 24,803,900. The name Australia comes from the Latin word for “Southern”.


The Republic of Austria is a central European country populated by approximately 8,794,267. The country covers square kilometers of area. The capital of Austria is Vienna and the official language of the Austrians is German. In German, Austria is called Österreich, which means “kingdom of the east”.


The Republic of Azerbaijan is a transcontinental country located in Asia and Europe. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku. The total area covered by the nation is 33,400 square miles, and it is inhabited by an estimated 9,165,000 people. The name Azerbaijan comes from the term meaning “protected by sacred fire”.

Aruba does not start with A?

Some sources also include Aruba, a small island nation located in the Caribbean Sea, 18 miles north of the Venezuelan coast. However, although the island also begins with the letter “a”, it is not a sovereign state as it is a country constituting the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

List of Countries starting with the letter A

Countries that start with the letter A
Antigua and Barbuda

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