Coronavirus origin symptoms transmission treatment prevention

Countries affected by corona-virus ? symptoms, origin, prevention


Coronaviruses bring together seven different types of virus, three of which are very dangerous and have led to fatal epidemics in humans (Sras, Mers, 2019-nCoV). What are the symptoms of a corona-virus infection? Can transmission be avoided? Are there treatments?

Definition: what is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of various viruses affecting both humans and animals. Their name means ” crown virus ” and comes from the fact that they all have a crown-shaped appearance when viewed under a microscope. Coronaviruses were first identified in humans in the 1960s. They are viruses that cause emerging diseases , that is, new infections caused by changes or mutations in the virus. Human corona-viruses mainly cause respiratory infections, ranging from mild colds to severe pneumonia sometimes lethal. They can also be accompanied by digestive disorders such as gastroenteritis.

Types of coronavirus: SARS, MERS

There are four main subgroups of coronaviruses, called alpha, beta, gamma and delta. And seven different forms including four common (less serious than the others):

  • 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  • NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  • OC43 (beta-coronavirus)
  • HKU1 (beta-coronavirus)

And three more serious:

  1. SARS-CoV (the beta-coronavirus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, identified in China in 2002).
  2. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS discovered in 2012 in Saudi Arabia).
  3. New Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) identified in China in December 2019

2300 cases of MERS-CoV identified between 2012 and 2018, 35% of which died.

The mortality rate is relatively high for SARS and MERS-CoV, with respectively nearly 15% and more than 36% of deaths of people affected. The most sensitive people are those over 65, those suffering from respiratory pathologies and immunocompromised.

Coronavirus mutation

The coronavirus is an RNA virus with a high mutation rate like that of the flu or the HIV virus. Coronaviruses are present in very many animal species and circulate easily from one species to another, which can lead to death. Coronaviruses can also infect men.


Coronaviruses are transmitted from human to human during close contact (touching or shaking hands, for example) and by air  , coughing or sneezing . Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands can also spread the coronavirus. Finally, more rarely contamination can be done by fecal contact.

In the case of the SARS epidemic in 2002, the coronavirus responsible resulted from an adaptation of a coronavirus initially present in the bat to a small carnivore (the masked palm civet, consumed in China) at first, then to the human race.

Incubation time

The incubation time, duration between exposure to the virus and the manifestation of the first symptoms, is evaluated between 10 and 14 days .


Manifestations of coronavirus appear less than 24 hours after infection. Most commonly, it causes mild to moderate respiratory illnesses like the common cold with symptoms such as:

  • headache,
  • cough,
  • sore throat,
  • fever,
  • a general feeling of unease.

More seriously, it can cause respiratory diseases of the lower tract such as pneumonia or bronchitis , especially in people with cardiopulmonary disease, in those with weakened immune systems, in infants and the elderly.


There is no specific treatment for diseases caused by human coronaviruses. Treatments are symptomatic: take pain and fever medication, rest, do not go out.


To reduce your risk of infection with a coronavirus, it is advisable to:

  • to wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (not to mention the alcohol-based solutions very practical when you can not wash your hands)
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when your hands are not washed,
  • avoid contact with sick people,
  • wear a  mask.

The threat from the virus is “high” internationally according to the WHO. Origin, transmission, symptoms, map of the epidemic, number of cases … What you need to know.

A new virus that appeared in China in December 2019 is causing panic around the world. As of January 27, the epidemic has reached 2,825 confirmed cases across the country and 81 deaths have been recorded. Twenty-five provinces of mainland China including Hong Kong and Macao report cases. Several other countries have confirmed imported cases: Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, United States, Taiwan, Australia, Nepal, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia … The World Health Organization has estimated that the threat to international is now “high” and no longer “moderate” . However, it does not consider this epidemic to be a “global health emergency “.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have posted a map showing the evolution of the epidemic around the world and the number of confirmed infections and death

How many Countries are effected by coronavirus ?

Human Cases in affected countries

As of January 27, 2020, here is the assessment of the epidemic of the coronavirus type in the world:

Number of cases and deaths due to coronavirus (January 27 )
China 2,825 81
macao 6 0
Hong Kong 8 0
Thailand 8 0
United States 5 0
Republic of Korea (South Korea) 4 0
Taiwan 5 0
France 3 0
Singapore 4 0
Malaysia 3 0
Vietnam 2 0
Japan 4 0
Australia 5 0
Nepal 1 0
Cambodia 1 0
TOTAL 2,886 81
On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization in China was informed of several cases of pneumonia in the city of Wuhan. 44 people were infected between that date and January 3, 2020.On January 7, 2020, the Chinese authorities identified a “new type of coronavirus”.
On January 13, an imported case was identified in Thailand.On January 15 , the virus caused the death of a first person in Wuhan , a 69-year-old man, sick since December 31, suffering from severe myocarditis and whose state of health has deteriorated. 

On January 20, 282 confirmed cases of nCoV 2019 (name given to the virus) were reported in four countries including China (278 cases), Thailand (3 cases), Japan (1 case) and the Republic of Korea (1 case ). The cases outside China concern people who have stayed in the city of Wuhan. The death toll is 6, all in Wuhan.

On January 21, authorities announced 3 more deaths, for a total of 9. A 50-year-old woman is infected with the virus on the island of Taiwan .

On January 22, the National Health Commission in China reported that the death toll rose to 17, all in China.

On January 23, three Chinese cities, including Wuhan, were placed in quarantine.On January 24, the toll climbed to 830 infected people and 26 deaths.

On January 25, three people were infected in France , two in Paris and one in Bordeaux. These are the first cases recorded on the European continent. The three patients who were hospitalized and placed in solitary confinement are said to be “out of danger”. Note that they had all stayed in China. In addition, a first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Australia. He is a man who had stayed in Wuhan a week ago. Two cases have also been identified in the United States. 

On January 27, 2,744 people were infected and 80 died in China . Beijing recorded its first death: a 50-year-old man who had stayed in Wuhan on January 8, and who died from a respiratory failure.

Precautions: what to do if you go to an affected country?

  • avoid contact with animals, living or dead;
  • avoid going to markets where live or dead animals are sold;
  • avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infection;
  • not to eat uncooked or under-cooked meat;
  • wash your hands regularly with soapy water or with alcohol-based solutions;

In case of symptoms of respiratory infection (fever and cough / difficulty breathing): it is recommended to wear a surgical mask if one is in contact with other people and to use disposable tissues, to wash well hands regularly and promptly consult a doctor locally while traveling in China.

Coronavirus: questions and answers

The nCov 2019 coronavirus

What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, which cause illnesses ranging from a simple cold (some seasonal viruses are coronaviruses) to more severe pathologies such as MERS or SARS. The virus identified in China is a new coronavirus. It was named 2019-nCoV.

What is the mode of transmission?

The first cases identified are people who went directly to the Wuhan market (closed since January 1): the hypothesis of a disease transmitted by animals is therefore preferred. Given the new cases reported by the Chinese health authorities since 19/01, human-to-human transmission has now been proven.

The evolution of knowledge in the coming weeks will make it possible to learn more about the modes of transmission of this virus, its level of transmissibility, its virulence, the incubation period and the animal source of contamination.

Could the animal source of the virus theoretically include cooked meat or fish and all types of animals?

When the meat is cooked, the viruses are destroyed. Consumption of undercooked or undercooked animal products, including milk and meat, poses a significant risk of infection by a wide variety of organisms that can cause disease in humans.

Appropriately, prepared animal products, whether by cooking or pasteurizing them, can be consumed but should also be stored carefully, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked food.

Can corona-virus be transmitted by water?

To date, no water contamination has been reported. This disease is respiratory and probably animal, but the source has not yet been identified.

Does 2019-nCoV survive in the outdoor environment?

In view of the data available on the survival of coronaviruses in the outdoor environment (a few hours on dry inert surfaces) and taking into account the times and conditions of transport with China, the risk of being infected by nCoV by touching an imported object from China is considered extremely weak.

Standard hygiene measures (hand washing, surface cleaning) are effective.

Can the virus be transmitted through sexual fluids?

There is no evidence in favor of transmission by sexual fluids at this stage.

Are there special measures for medicines produced in China?

There are no special restrictions on the use of medicines from China

Coronavirus pneumonia 2019-nCov

What are the symptoms of 2019-nCoV respiratory infection?

In the current state of knowledge, the main symptoms are fever and respiratory signs of cough or shortness of breath. In more severe cases, the patient may present with acute respiratory distress, acute renal failure, or even multi-visceral failure that can lead to death.

How serious is the disease?

Among the cases reported to date, several patients have developed a severe form of the disease, some of whom have died.

The available information suggests that the virus can cause symptoms similar to those of a moderate flu, but also more severe symptoms. The disease can also progress over time in a patient. Patients with pre-existing chronic diseases (such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disease, and respiratory disease) seem to be more likely to develop severe forms, as do the elderly.

Analysis of the information available on current and new cases will increase knowledge of the disease.

How contagious is the disease?

Human-to-human transmission is known, but the number of secondary cases linked to an initial case has not yet been determined. Investigations are underway to determine the degree of contagiousness and the modes of transmission. Intra-family cases are described and some caregivers have been contaminated by not respecting hygienic precautions such as droplets (flu model)

How far can one person infect others?

Postilions (sneezing, coughing) transmit the disease. It is therefore considered that close contact is necessary to transmit the disease. There is close contact for a person who has shared the same living space as the sick person when the latter presented symptoms (family, same hospital or boarding school room) or who had direct contact, face to face , within 1 meter of the sick person at the time of a cough, sneeze or during a discussion in the absence of effective protective measures.

What to do if you have been in contact with a non-symptomatic person coming from an affected area?

To date, contagiousness during the incubation period has not been proven, we do not have enough evidence to this effect. We are carefully monitoring the progress of knowledge on this new virus in order to adapt our procedures to any new element.

Can we predict the evolution of the epidemic?

Modeling work is in progress. Health authorities are closely monitoring developments in the world. It is of course too early to be certain.

Diagnosis and management

How is the diagnosis of coronavirus pneumonia established?

The diagnosis is suspected before signs of respiratory infection in a person returning from Wuhan in the 14 days preceding the onset of symptoms, in accordance with the case definition of Public Health France .

A specific biological examination is necessary to confirm the 2019-nCoV infection. A rapid detection test has been developed by the national reference center for respiratory viruses. To date, it is practiced by the CNR (Institut Pasteur) and is being deployed in other medical biology laboratories.

What is the procedure for taking charge of suspected cases in France?

The suspected case identified by a health professional is reported on 15. The SAMU contacts the nearest infectious disease specialist. At the end of a questionnaire, the case is classified as possible or excluded. If it is a possible case, it is then taken care of and isolated in an infectious diseases department. If a coronavirus infection is excluded, he is taken care of by his doctor, as usual.

What treatments are available?

To date, no specific treatment has been identified for this new coronavirus. Several treatments, currently used in other viral pathologies, are being evaluated, in France and in conjunction with the WHO, to be used against 2019-nCoV. Pending treatment is symptomatic.

Recommendations for travelers

What are the instructions for people going on a trip?

Travel advice is re-assessed according to the evolution of the international epidemiological situation and WHO recommendations.

Should we use a mask?

The wearing of the surgical mask is recommended for sick people who have symptoms, that is to say when they cough or sneeze to avoid spreading the disease through the postilions (air).

The wearing of this type of mask by the non-sick population in order to avoid catching the disease is not part of the recommended barrier measures and its effectiveness has not been demonstrated.

Health professionals in close contact with patients for care have specific protective equipment.

Are there travel restrictions?

No. Currently, WHO, under the International Health Regulations (IHR), does not recommend any travel or trade restrictions?

What is a public health emergency of international concern?

The Emergency Committee convened by the Director-General of WHO considered that the epidemic of new coronavirus 2019-nCoV, which started in China, constitutes a public health emergency of international scope (USPPI). The declaration of a USPPI is a measure of recognition of possible national and regional risks and of the need to intensify and coordinate action to manage them.

 this means

• Strengthen public information and awareness to ensure their commitment and full participation in the response strategy.

• Reinforce screening on the national territory to guarantee that no contact is forgotten and improve the quality of screening by improving the sharing of information with surveillance teams.

• Strengthen surveillance with a view to reducing the time between detection and treatment of patients and their isolation.

• Put in place exceptional authorizations for medicines and vaccines that do not have marketing authorization.

• Quickly implement vaccine strategies that can reduce the spread of this disease as recommended by the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on immunization.

• Continue to collaborate and improve coordination with the United Nations and partners; create an enabling environment for public health operations, to accelerate disease control efforts.

What measures are described in the International Health Regulations and which could be taken if the situation worsened? The temporary measures that WHO may take are listed in articles 15 to 18 of the International Health Regulations (2005) .

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