10 Global Leaders Who Have Created A Personality Cult


10. Turkmenistan – Saparmurat Niyazov

Central Asian country Turkmenistan was part of the Soviet Union until independence in 1991. Politician Saparmurat Niyazov began his tenure as First Secretary of the Turkmen Communist Party in 1985. Years later, at 1999, he was appointed president for life, earning him a place in history as a leader of one of the most remarkable cults in the world. Under his totalitarian regime, political opponents were regularly imprisoned or confined to mental hospitals, the media were tightly controlled by the state, and Niyazov had
bizarre policies such as banning ballet and opera and banning young men from having long hair or beards. The chef also renamed the months of the year in honor of family members and had a rotating golden statue built on top of a building in the capital of Ashgabat.

9. Iraq – Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein ruled his Iraqi homeland as the fifth president from July 1979 until April 2003. Saddam Hussein believed in socialism and Arab nationalism. The personality cult of Saddam Hussein stems from his absolute rule of law, the consequences of which violate these laws generally have fatal consequences. Saddam Hussein has successfully linked the military to government work. On the economic front, the Iraqi leader nationalized industries such as oil production and took control of the national banks. Saddam Hussein’s regime was characterized by violence and repression. Saddam Hussein’s security forces have been estimated to be responsible for the murder of about 250,000


8. North Korea – Kim II-Sung and Kim Jong-il

Personality cults are based on the use of propaganda to create an idealized portrait of a leader or a regime. Known as the great leader, King Jong-il (the eldest) imposed strict rules on all aspects of life in North Korea. Citizens were grouped into five strata in the “songbun” system. The placement was determined by the actions of his father’s ancestors. In 1967, Jong-il imposed its “Monolithic ideological system” which prohibits any form of contradiction. King Jong-il, Kim II’s son, took over after his father’s death in 1994. Recently, the dictator has been in the international spotlight for his aggressive attempts to create an atomic weapon powerful enough to reach states -United.

7. Haiti – Francois Duvalier

The Caribbean island of the country of Haiti was once a Spanish and then French colony. François Duvalier came to power in 1957 when he became president of the nation. In keeping with the inner workings of personality cults, Duvalier, also known as “Papa Doc”, relied on the violent organization called “Tontons Macoutes” or “Bogeymen” to terrorize opponents and unwanted members of the public . Among the dictator’s most extravagant claims, he believed himself to be the physical embodiment of his country. He was also convinced that he had a special relationship with God and considered himself intangible as opposed to an ordinary human being. Duvalier went so far as to add a section to the Lord’s Prayer in his honor.

6. Russia – Joseph Stalin

Editorial credit: Tomasz Bidermann / Shutterstock.com.

Joseph Stalin is considered one of the most ruthless, powerful and bloodthirsty dictators in world history. The Russian leader combined his Marxist and Leninist beliefs into his own political theory known as “Stalinism”. His national program reflected his desire to make the Soviet Union a less industrialized country. The dictator’s repressive policies were a key factor in the devastating famine of 1933-34. Stalin also systematically eliminated his enemies in operations such as the Great Purge in which countless Russians were imprisoned, exiled or killed. Although at the start of World War II Stalin made a pact with the Nazi regime, Hitler invaded Russia in 1941,

5. Albania – Enver Hoxha

The authoritarian regime of the communist dictator Enver Hoxha lasted more than forty years, from 1944 until his death in 1985. Politically, Hoxha subscribed to an anti-revisionist ideology of Marxism-Leninism. The leader exercised his power by preserving an image of charismatic authority over the citizens of the country. Hoxha led the government without respecting the rule of law, democracy and individual freedoms. Imprisonment, streaks just for the spectacle and torture were common practices. Any dissent was subject to severe sanctions, including sentencing to a forced labor camp or execution. Hoxha’s policy includes repressive control of the media, repression of travel abroad and, in an effort to discourage the influence of Islam,

4. Equatorial Guinea – Francisco Macias Nguema

Equatorial Guinea is a small nation located on the west coast of Africa. Francisco Macias Nguema served as the country’s first prime minister in 1968. His regime lasted until a political coup in 1979. Nguema became an orphan at a young age when his father, an alleged sorcerer, was assassinated by the Spanish authorities. Shortly after, he lost his mother to suicide. After Nguema embarked on a political career, he held various positions, including as mayor, territorial deputy and deputy prime minister. Free elections were held in 1968 and Nguema then rose to the rank of head of state. From that moment, the leader proposed to give himself extensive political power over all branches of government. In 1972, after the merger of all the country’s political parties into the United National Party, Nguema received the distinction of president for life and obtained absolute power over the nation. Violence played an important role in the Nguema regime and reportedly ordered countless families to kill and entire villages destroyed. One factor that could have influenced Nguema and helped explain some of his strangest edicts was his regular use of cannabis and other psychedelic substances.

3. Vietnam – Hồ Chí Minh

Editorial credit: Bule Sky Studio / Shutterstock.com.

Hồ Chí Minh was a communist leader who began his career as chairman and first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Vietnam. As a young man, H man Chí Minh studied and worked in many foreign countries, including France, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and China. Various military campaigns and frequent violence marked the reign of Hồ Chí Minh and his efforts to ensure Vietnam’s quest for independence. After the chief’s death in 1976, the Vietnamese city of Saigon was renamed Hồ Chí Minh City in his honor. The deceased chef also has a museum dedicated to his life and achievements and appears on the national currency.

2. China – Mao Zedong

Editorial credit: Zhao jian kang / Shutterstock.com.

Chairman Mao Zedong played a major role in transforming China into a superpower that has become today. The communist revolutionary / poet / political theorist / military strategist chaired the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party from 1949 until his death in 1976. At the start of his reign, he ordered the massacre of his political enemies whom he called ” counterrevolutionaries “. It is estimated that during this 1949 purge, between two and six million people lost their lives. Mr. Zedong’s attempts to divert the Chinese economy from his role as a farmer in the development of various industries contributed to a devastating famine nationwide, which claimed the lives of some fifteen to fifty five million people. citizens.

1. Venezeula – Hugo Chávez

Editorial credit: Watch_The_World / Shutterstock.com.

Hugo Chávez presided over the South American nation of Venezeula as president from 1999 to 2013. A former member of the national army, Chavez then founded the “Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement-200”. After a failed coup, he was sentenced to prison but was released after two years. Chavez then formed the Fifth Republic Movement and in 1998 was elected for the first time as President of Venezuela. Politically, the leader implemented a series of anti-imperialist policies that were often at odds with American interests. During his tenure, Venezuelan society was characterized by high crime rates, overcrowding in prisons, corruption, a burgeoning drug trade, and widespread crippling poverty.


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