When people think of Egypt, they can create a picture of a country with miles of endless deserts that cannot support any form of wildlife, except the big-tailed lizard and the sand rat that tolerate the desert environment. However, the land of the pharaohs has an abundance of animals beyond imagination. There are 28 protected animal sanctuaries in the country, ranging from wetlands, coastal environments, geological formations and national parks. Here are the native animals of Egypt.
10. Cape Hyrax
The rock or cap hyrax is native to sub-Saharan Africa with the exception of Madagascar and the Congo basin. It is also found in Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, the Arabian Peninsula, Jordan and Israel. The hyrax is an exceptionally adaptive animal that can survive in tropical and desert climates provided it can find food and shelter. It is known as rock hyrax because it prefers to live in rocks, because it cannot dig its own burrows. The hyrax feeds on grass, fruits, insects, lizards and bird eggs. In Egypt, the hyrax is found mainly near the oasis or along the banks of the Nile.
9. camel
Camels are one of the most remarkable animals found in Egypt. Camels are well known for their distinctive “bumps”, which are actually large fatty deposits and not at all filled with water, contrary to popular belief. Camels live for an average of 40 to 50’s. Camels are well adapted to the desert environment as they can go ten days without drinking.
8. Long eared hedgehog
The long-eared hedgehog is a smaller species of the hedgehog. It is native to the Middle East, Central Asia, Egypt and Libya. This hedgehog is distinguished from other hedgehog species due to its small size and long ears. Although it prefers to feed on insects, the hedgehog can also feed on plants and small vertebrates. They are found in Egypt’s national parks, especially in the greener areas where insects and grass can be found.
7. Sand cat
Known as one of the most elusive of all feline species, sand cats are said to be in danger in Egypt. Like camels, sand cats can live for a very long time without access to water. Cats are mainly found in the southeast of the country.
6. Gazelle dorcas
Dorcas gazelle is native to the desert and semi-desert of Egypt and the Middle East. It is considered a vulnerable animal in danger of extinction. The gazelle is very adapted to the desert environment and can last several months without water or limited food. The Dorcas gazelle inhabits the coastal plains and stony deserts of Egypt where it has adapted to feed on acacia seeds and desert plants. These animals once roamed the western and eastern deserts of Sinai in large populations, but today there are less than 1,000 in the wild.
5. Dugong
The dugong is a distant cousin of the manatee. We sometimes speak of “sea cow” or “sea camel”. The largest population of this animal is found on the north coast of Australia, but it spreads along the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. In the Red Sea, the dugong is mainly found in the Egyptian regions of Marsa Alam and Abu Dabbab. The dugong of this region attracts thousands of tourists, especially those interested in diving and snorkeling. However, the number of these animals is decreasing in Egyptian waters due to climate change and pollution.
4. Caracal
The caracal is sometimes called the African, Persian or desert lynx, although it is not a lynx. It stretches across southwest Asia and Africa, where you can find meadows and deserts. The caracal is found in the deserts of eastern and northern Egypt, although their number is small. It is classified as an endangered species in North Africa. The caracal is a member of felines and makes sounds common to felines, but the animal is known to bark when threatened by a predator.
3. Sand rat
The sand rat or the large sand rat is a rodent native to the deserts of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula from Mauritania to Egypt, Sudan and Saudi Arabia. They are highly adaptive rodents and are sometimes found in wetlands along the coast. In summer, they feed at night and rest under rocks and burrows during the day.
2. The Egyptian mongoose
The Egyptian mongoose, as its name suggests, is found throughout Egypt, although the desert is not the ideal habitat for these animals. Instead, they prefer to live in areas with easy access to water such as forests. Unlike many species of this species, the Egyptian mongoose is a species of little concern.
1. Hyena
The striped hyena is still present in parts of Egypt, although the population is gradually decreasing and has been classified as threatened by IUCN. There are 10,000 striped hyenas scattered throughout southwest India, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. They were once found in large populations along the Nile Valley and the Nile Delta, from where they sometimes wandered into the city in search of food, but are now barely visible even in the wild .