Independence Hall: A Unesco World Heritage Site in the United States


Where’s the Independence Hall?

Independence Hall is located in Independence National Historic Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States. From 1775 to 1785, this building served as the main meeting place for the second continental congress. It is perhaps the most famous, however, as the site where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were signed. These two documents formed the basis of this country and provided a framework for other legislators around the world. The Independence Hall was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

Why is Independence Hall a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States established a model for the global right to democracy and self-government. Independence Hall is a symbol of these rights. As such, this building meets criterion VI (the universal principles of the right to freedom and revolution) to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These two documents have influenced the founding documents of many newly created nations around the world. The main elements of these historical documents were even used to create the Charter of the United Nations.

The original purpose of Independence Hall was to become the meeting place for the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Assembly. It was designed by Andrew Hamilton, a lawyer, and Edmund Woolley, a master builder. The construction of the Independence Hall took place from 1732 to 1753. It was completed in red bricks with a wooden bell tower, where the bell of liberty was once hung. The building has retained its authentic presentation, with original exterior and interior finishes. Its location, the National Independence Historical Park, adds to the authenticity of the building as the park is home to other 18th and 19th century architecture.

The structure has been well preserved over the years through conservation studies and technical advice. In the middle of the 12th century, steel supports were inserted into the building to reinforce the building. The interior has also been redesigned according to historical accounts of its original appearance. Today, Independence Hall is threatened by acid rain, air pollution, crowds of visitors and nearby development efforts.

Independence Hall

Although the city of Philadelphia owns Independence Hall, it is managed by the National Park Service. The Independence National Historic Park was created specifically to protect and preserve the Independence Hall. Because it is managed by a federal entity, it enjoys significant protection. In addition, this building is one of the most important historical monuments in the country. Maintaining it and keeping it in good condition will always be one of the main objectives of all levels of government.

A general management plan has been created by the National Parks Service to guide its administration. In this plan, it is clearly indicated that the Independence Hall is also a UNESCO World Heritage site as an important factor for the consideration of its administration. To ensure its continued preservation, several attempts have been made to maintain its security and stability. During the 1990s, for example, the government installed a new fire detection and suppression system as well as a security system. In 2002, after the September 11 attacks, the government implemented more stringent security measures in terms of screening visitors. In order to preserve its external appearance, the bell tower underwent rehabilitation efforts in 2013.


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